Mikko Innanen and Andrew Cyrille shifting shapes
Shifting Shapes, recorded live at ShapeShifter Lab, Brooklyn, New York, January 10th 2014, is a follow-up to double-CD Song for a New Decade (TUM Records) with William Parker and Andrew Cyrille.
“11 years ago, but feels like yesterday! What a joy to play and breathe music together with Master Cyrille. The sounds and shapes you hear on this album are all spontaneously constructed with no prior planning, except for the approximated length of the performance. Thanks to Andrew, Annamaija Saarela, Music Finland and Shapeshifter Lab for making this possible, and to musicWitness Jeff Schlanger for capturing us in ink on the following night at Nublu.” - Mikko Innanen
The album is digitally available at Bandcamp.